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Your website is the digital face of your company, and if you haven't updated it recently, it may not be making the best impression possible. From renewing the overall look of your brand to improving the user experience, there are many benefits that a website update can bring. Here are some of the best ways to improve the aesthetics and functionality of your business website.

  • 1. Chat and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years and can be expected to play a key role in almost everything in the future. You can take advantage of this trend by adding AI chat to your website.

While chat bubbles are nothing new, the latest versions have an automated presence behind them, allowing them to effectively handle many customer service issues, answer questions, and assist with product returns. Machine learning algorithms have made these chats more efficient, reducing the amount of human intervention needed and helping customers avoid phone calls and long wait times.

There are also web widgets that allow you to collect all the information and provide better service automatically through bots, learn more with our platform iKono Chat.

It's easy to include an AI smart chat box during a website rebuild or simply add it to your existing one, so be sure to talk to your web developer about the best way to implement this exciting update.

  • 2. Minimalist style

Minimalist website design has become more popular in 2023, and it's a trend that we believe is here to stay. Your website should be inviting while avoiding creating a feeling of overwhelm. When redesigning your website, choose a simple color palette and be sure to include plenty of white space between images and pieces of text, as well as between words and phrases.

Remember that many users access sites from mobile devices. When talking about updates, make sure your web designer has a plan to keep your site lightweight and minimize wait times.

  • 3. Microanimations

Adding excessive animations to your website can slow down page load times, frustrate users, and negatively impact your SEO. However, micro-animations can create an impressive effect without increasing bounce rates.

Micro-animations provide light, brief movements, such as showing a product from several different angles when the user hovers the mouse over it. This simple update to your website provides additional information, improves the overall user experience, and creates a fun interaction that is sure to make a lasting impression.

  • 4. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is becoming very popular among mobile device users. In fact, according to Google, 27% of the world's online population already uses voice search on their mobile devices. By optimizing your website and navigation for voice search, you ensure you're in a position to take advantage of this trend.

Some strategies you can put into practice include updating your content to include conversational keywords, creating FAQ sections, and structured formatting. If you're not sure what these things mean, don't worry. A website expert, an expert developer can guide you through all the necessary steps or complete them in case you don't know how to do it.

  • 5. Smart content loading

Keeping up with your website maintenance can improve loading times, but sometimes that's not enough. If you have a resource-heavy website and many third-party integrations and graphical elements, lazy loading can significantly increase your site's download times. It works by ensuring that web browsers only load content that can actually be seen on the screen, decreasing the time users have to wait.

Although this technology is not new, if you haven't updated your site in several years, you may not be equipped with it yet. This small change can have a big impact on your bottom line by decreasing site abandonment and increasing conversions.

  • Tips to improve your website:
  • Use a local domain.
  • Optimize the weight and size of images.
  • Use keywords to improve your SEO positioning.
  • Make it mobile friendly.
  • Use internal links in your content.

Fountain: Content

#We invite you to read our blog post «How to improve our service to customer with Chatbots?»

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