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call center sin estrés

In recent years, the pandemic and economic change have significantly affected the health and lifestyle of employees globally. Most mental difficulties are They generate specific symptoms such as: sleep deprivation, physical problems, less happiness at home, poor family relationships or isolation from friends. 

There is no exception in the operation of contact centers!

Customer service is stressful. Your agents provide technical support to customers, answer their questions and address their complaints every day; even having personal problems; some of them work remotely trying to manage between work and personal life. 

It is essential to ensure that your collaborators have specific values and their workforce is committed and high-performing, a high-performing agent values the sense of personal responsibility and autonomy, valuing that the company to which they belong allows them to learn new skills and advance in their professional career.

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Below we list some tips to create a committed, stress-free work environment:

  • Offers flexibility 

Allow your collaborators to schedule their vacations, have permissions for their personal activities, agree on work schedules in case your collaborators require time to study.

  • Encourage healthy daily routines

Not all has to be work, encourage your collaborators to find a daily routine that allows them to make a transition in their tasks and the start of their work activities, encourage them to exercise, meditate, have breakfast with the family, etc.

  • Promotes active breaks

Even 5-minute breaks make a big difference when it comes to reducing and managing stress. Go out to drink Fresh air or a stretch can help employees regain energy and continue working. 

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  • Schedule spaces with your collaborators

Create spaces to give some advice on performance or just find out how things are going. They don't need to be formal meetings, but rather personal conversations.

  • Recognize and reward your workers

We all want to feel valued. The lack of recognition and rewards for the work done are two main factors that lead to friction and burnout of your collaborators. 

  • Eliminate work repetitions

Nobody wants to spend all day doing the same thing over and over again. Repetition of tasks causes stress. Keep employees interested and committed, reduce staff turnover rates. 

Remember to recognize the work of your collaborators, that helps reduce stress. 

Analyze what truly matters to your collaborators, it will be the best gift you can give them.

Fountain: Contact center

#We invite you to read our blog post «Tips for working in a contact center»

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