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We invite you to watch our webinar on this link.

This is our second webinar, a talk given by our Commercial Coach Carlos Blandon and our Business executive Vanessa Chavarro.


Vanessa: Don Carlos What is a consultative sale?

Carlos:  Many times we think that consultative selling is simply asking questions, but it is the professionalization of sales. I'll give you an example, what does a doctor do when we take someone we love to a hospital?

What the doctor does is examine you and before that asks you some questions: What hurts? Where does it hurt? What have you had in the last few days? What part were you in? How could he have contracted the disease he has? 

What he does is investigate what that person took previously and then go in to do a more precise examination. Consultative selling is fully investigating to be able to reach the final point of what I want to be able to sell my product or sell my service.

Vanessa: What would be the target audience that should consume this topic? Do you think the sale is for everyone or for a select group of people?

Carlos: In many places, especially in Latin America, we have determined that the seller is the person there, this is the person who can become a seller, but not everyone is a seller. 

A salesperson is an extroverted, intelligent person, who knows how to establish relationships, who knows how to communicate and speak, who knows how to dress, is cultured, who has established important relationships, it is so true that, as you can see, sales has been a topic discussed. by the best, by true specialists. 


Vanessa: What is that process that we must keep in mind when making a consultative sale, in our daily life, in our entrepreneurship to be able to generate clients for life.


Carlos: We must train an excellent salesperson, with true characteristics of a salesperson, the first thing that is sold is not the product or the company but the salesperson. 

You have to be an elegant person, very well educated, with many human relationships, who knows how to reach the client, who knows how to make friends, who knows how to have interpersonal relationships, who is always well presented, because the client is capricious and looks at the salesperson who should be very well labeled, very cultured and sell himself.

Have a great capacity to receive opinions and listen to your client. 

Vanessa: It is quite important, we see it in daily life, when we have to make a purchase Everything that Don Carlos says is very necessary.

Carlos: After having that excellent salesperson, we need to know well the product or service that we are offering, not only the characteristics but we must train our salesperson well regardless of the area of the business, that way we also sell with the benefits of the product. 

The customer does not buy for the reasons that I am selling but buys for other reasons. 

We must know the features and benefits of our product or service. You have to give the solution to that client.

Vanessa: You have to convey that idea to the client.

Carlos: There is 5 tips to sell. The first is the money. Many times the price does not influence. Not everything is sold for the lowest price, many times because of the attitude or because the customer wants it.

The second is for Status, regardless of the price but because you want to be there. The third is for utility, what is it going to be used for or what am I going to use it for. The fourth reason is that they buy it because pleasure, because that product will be useful to my loved one or for a special occasion, etc.

And the fifth is for caution, it all depends on the item, product or service, you have to know the characteristics and determine the 5 reasons, which are the ones we just mentioned here.

Money – Status – Utility – Pleasure – Caution

Be educated and informed, since for the consumer there are entities that protect the user and the consumer. Sell products or services that are duly adapted to the state regimes. The client today defends his rights, we must be faithful to that basic promise or value, it has to be fulfilled. 

The client has multiple virtual or in-person forums and is learning and becoming more educated.

Be educated and informed, since for the consumer there are entities that protect the user and the consumer. Sell products or services that are duly adapted to the state regimes. The client today defends his rights, we must be faithful to that basic promise or value, it has to be fulfilled. 

The client has multiple virtual or in-person forums and is learning and becoming more educated.

If I don't do consultative selling, which is becoming friends with the client or having a good interpersonal relationship, the client is going to leave because there are other options and today the client is more disloyal.

Vanessa: These last points are important, the fact that the client can share their experiences with our company will be in our favor and if we neglect them it can work against us.

Carlos: Define the target, investigate it, what it sells and where, know what is ideal to ask the client and make that consultative sale and ask interpersonal questions to fully understand what it sells and what type of promotion it does. Then I tell them my value proposition, after having defined my target of who I am going to sell to and determining why it is useful to my client, why my benefits are important for their company.

Speak to them in the client's language, take their side, always think that you are the person who came to help them and we are going to help them become greater. Take care of and update your databases, those clients or users that you have as prospects, to become leads, to become future contacts that I will work with and reach our company. Love your customers, they are your sales of the present and the sales of the future.

Vanessa: Super! The part of being on the client's side must be understood more and done genuinely, not with the interest that this salesperson is going to sell to me, it means pesos for me. Put yourself in the customer's shoes, wherever we are, so that I will want to return to the place and buy from that company.

Carlos: The client does not have to be confronted or confronted.

escalera venta

If you want to know more about this webinar you can enter this link and watch the full webinar on YouTube. 

#We invite you to read our blog post «How to use WhatsApp in your company's Contact Center»

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