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The customer service through online chats It is a trend that has been growing in recent years after the pandemic, so it is important to know more about it, even more so if we are linked to areas of our company such as sales and/or customer service:

  • What is customer service via online chat?

This customer service, which is done online through chatbots or regular chat, is a way of providing real-time support to customers who browse our website, usually done by the customer and the agent.

Can be proactive or reactive this type of communication.

Customer service via online chat proactive is one in which a conversation window appears on your screen with a message asking if you need help. You click and then you are transferred to a human agent who will interact with you in real time.

Customer service via online chat reagent It is the one in which users start the conversation when they need assistance. Many company sites include a button, usually at the bottom right of the web page, where people can click to connect with an agent.

  • Increase your sales through online chat

When a customer is satisfied with each purchase they make, they will always return to those places and businesses where they felt good.

We all know that customers who value our products are so loyal, often regardless of the price, therefore they are more likely to buy again and increase sales.

That is why it is very important to have a strategy to provide the best to our clients, give them quick attention in conversations, make them feel that they are the most important thing for our company. Your agents can personalize the service by calling the customer by name, this will make them feel part of your company.

  • Have you ever considered using chat in your e-commerce business?

The chatbots are currently trending, that is why it is necessary for your business to provide an online chat service from your website, since it is a direct way to be in contact with users thanks to technology, this allows you to have a notable increase in your sales and help with your brand image.

Advertising is part of our daily life and sometimes this saturation prevents customers from making easy decisions due to the variety of companies that offer these services or products, so a differentiating factor in your offer will make them choose you and not others. your direct competition.

  • Personalized, direct and real-time attention

These types of tools will make your business or your brand evolve greatly over time and become more visible.

The client plays a more relevant role within the digital marketing.

The client wants to feel important, heard and understood.

  • We will know our target audience better

If we are interested in knowing the opinion of our customers, we can have conversations in real time and listen carefully to their requests. You can also ask them what they think of your service, your website, if it is easy to navigate and make the purchase of your product.

  • Generate trust in your clients

Maintaining a conversation in real time with a potential client will allow us not only to close the sale, but will also allow us to listen to them. We can ask you what opinion you have about our page, or if browsing it has been satisfactory, or what opinion you have about our service.

We should not always take into account only digital conversations, there are other factors as well. There are many free and paid applications, it is more profitable and has its advantages, because you can have many open conversations at the same time and quickly provide personalized attention.

To retain your customers, it is essential to be clear about the user experience, or you can generate engagement with consumers over time.

At this point, we have to always keep the user experience in mind, since it is vitally important today if we want to build loyalty or create engagement with our clients or consumers in the medium and long term.

#We invite you to read our blog post «Contact centers, their importance and advantages»

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