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What is virtual customer service?

Today tools have been implemented that allow that There is more fluid communication regardless of the user's location in the e-commerce.

Digital users who purchase a product or service find it easier to make this type of purchase online for greater convenience from their home, workplace, and regardless of the country of residence. Therefore, the initial attention given to customers is the most important, they avoid long lines in physical stores and obtain faster solutions thanks to the ease with which call center, contact center or other agents serve. collaborator, through certain platforms that help them communicate effectively. First, email was used, then communications began to be made through websites and then they were social networks appear where the interaction with users has been more personalized.

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These are some features of virtual customer service:

  • Provide quick and simple solutions to users.
  • Availability of care.
  • Guides clients in a concise manner.
  • Offers the option to link to other tools.
  • Benefits of virtual customer service
  • Costs can be reduced.
  • Speed and efficiency in customer service.
  • Availability 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
  • Increase in performance.
  • Omnichannel customer service offers more avenues of communication for users.
  • Customer service via chat

Chatbots use artificial intelligence to offer an effective customer experience which allows you to have multiple chats with contacts without depending on real agents.

It will be easier for companies to recognize the needs in the queries that their clients make, allowing them to create a database generating uniform responses when communicating and thus your agents will have more time to carry out other operations and activities.

You must have empathy, clarity, be assertive and courteous when having written communication with your clients. 

These are the Recommended waiting times for each channel:

  • Email: 1 hour
  • Social networks: 5 minutes
  • Phone: 30 seconds
  • Chat: 10 seconds
  • 8 tips for excellent virtual customer service

1. Don't leave your clients waiting

 2. It is suggested to be a proactive person

3. Avoid writing very long texts in each email or chat.

4. Deliver a great experience across all channels by creating an omnichannel strategy.

5. Make people feel special and remembered by being closer to the client

6. Ask your clients for feedback with satisfaction surveys after providing the service or make a phone call to receive an immediate evaluation.

7. You can do an analysis, measure user behavior to evaluate the results.

8. Use technology as your ally with the help of chatbots to optimize conversations in real time. 

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#We invite you to read our blog post «Service as a differentiating value in your Call Center»

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