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Due to the effectiveness and speed of the client's response to the company's proposal, the telephone call continues to be the preferred communication channel over e-mail, brochures, door-to-door, billboards, among others.

That is why this channel is part of the different strategies that the company develops, whether to position the brand, attract or retain customers.


Now, from time to time it is good to receive advice or tips from how to structure a telemarketing campaign that meets the objectives and is placed in the successful category.

Considering that previous experiences can provide us with tools for a new telephone marketing plan, we must keep in mind that a faithful copy should not be made because the needs of clients are changing.

Let's start by making it clear that the structuring of the telemarketing campaign has an order for each step to be executed, and it must be taken into account and none of them should be omitted.

Image: Depositphotos

First: What achievement do you want to achieve with this campaign? publicize a product? know more about the market? Know where your brand stands relative to the competition? You must be clear about the objective of the strategy, since it is the starting point of the campaign.

Second: Since the objective is already clear, the next step is to determine the audience towards which the strategy is going to be directed, so you must know the age range, gender, tastes, leisure activities, and if necessary, type of transportation used. , places you frequent and even the social networks you use.

Third: At this point begins the construction of the message with which your agent in the Call Center will connect with the customer, whether to offer the product, measure satisfaction with service or improve their experience with the company.

Observe how each point is linked to the previous one and cannot advance without having the previous one.

Room: Having the objective, the audience and the message, the following is train your work team, who are the most important resource in the development of the telemarketing campaign.

They must review the call script and clarify doubts, as well as establish a course of possible denial statements. You can work with them on a call test to anticipate other types of situations that may arise.

The above are points that you should not overlook, because although it is true, the sixth would be the measurement, the above are aspects that in one way or another must be part of the construction of the telemarketing campaign, considering that each strategy is susceptible to evaluation.

And it doesn't hurt to include in the document a section where the tools that will be used during the campaign are determined, as well as the duration of each of the steps, so you can know if in three or six months you will be able to evaluate the results. and know if it was successful or not.

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https://bit.ly/2Z0wQoX     |      https://bit.ly/2V7tsrc

Content Writing by: Isabel Uribe 

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