iKono chat x

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A talk by our commercial executive Vanessa Chavarro and the CEO Daniel Ramirez of nojau.

Vanessa: We have our guest Daniel Ramírez from the company nojau, today we are going to learn about an Onboarding App in this space. Tell us Dani what that process is like, what is Onboarding?

Daniel: The process that we live with nojau There you have that super strong connection with Onboarding, we identified that there is a very big need when I arrive new to a work team, there is something cool and particular in the Onboarding It happens yes or yes, because they are each of the points of contact that I have when I am learning about my new role, it is that induction, the whole thing about this process is that it can be deliberate, I myself decide how I want it to happen or literally emerges, even if I don't want to, so we hired a new collaborator, he joined the team, I have a meeting later with him and that person sat there or read a magazine, and that was a point of contact, or I gave him There is a list of the tasks that need to be done but I didn't make an appointment with the person from that area so they could talk. So those things are part of the Onboarding ofl as I am getting to know Each of the things that I need to know to be able to execute my role, that is what the Onboarding process is associated with.

Vanessa: Of course, as a systematization of those processes, steps that a person must follow when entering a company so that this induction, that new person can begin to be productive and collaborate in the company as soon as possible.

Daniel: Exactly, there you said the key word, that they think that when we in a company open a new role and say, we need to reinforce the team with these particular skills, we make that talent, that talent arrives, it is added, but then I need to tell you to that person, show them and let them know how we do it, because each company, although it may be in the same sector, does not necessarily do it in the same way. That is the Onboarding process that we are starting to intervene through the use of technology, and there I tell you something cool and that is that how each company has its know-how in a different way, that is what is known as KNOW HOW, that is the reason for the name of our Start-Up.

So what we do is that we help companies, so that the KNOW HOW, which is the know-how that each one has differently, we can take to a technological tool that helps us develop that Oboarding process in a way easy, scalable and aimed at having movement of the KPIs specifics that I am looking to move with that connection with that new person.

Vanessa: Sure, super. Let's continue, now after knowing what this Onboarding process is. The question would be: Why should I think about implementing an Onboarding process in the company?

Daniel: Look, as I told you for a while, Oboarding happens, if I leave it to what happens, I will not necessarily be providing valuable elements for them to achieve the objectives, and that is what is important that I become aware of these processes, it seems that it was not relevant because in some cases the new collaborator arrives, I give him a manual of functions and that's it, do it and there along the way he settles in, or I clearly build that path that I want him to follow because there I have a purpose in particular, and that is what you told us Vane a little while ago, and that is how I get that person who joined the team to help me achieve the objectives that I have.

If I was hired to strengthen the sales team, how do I add value to that team. So, not necessarily only counting on the previous skills that the new collaborator has but telling them how I do it in my company. That is the valuable element that we should take into account and why implement it, if we are clear about it we can help that new collaborator have a guide, a route of how we do it in the company so that in this way they can be linked in a short time and can begin to add value, which is the purpose of new collaborators.

Vanessa: Of course, totally, like what we were saying now, which is how to define that process when a new person enters. I have heard that nojau is currently focusing on the Direct sale, It makes me worried, why? nojau It is focusing on direct sales if all companies need that Onboarding process.

Daniel: Overall, look, there is something particular, it is like the first case study that we are starting to address, and the reason is because, this scenario in which a new collaborator arrives, the team joins, needs Onboarding, applies to everyone, it is transversal, for small, medium, and large companies. And we have a particularity at Nojau, it is that we are making use of technology to be able to optimize these processes.

So direct sale It is one of the first verticals that we are addressing, since our focus is aimed at carrying out an Onboarding process for sales forces that are large in size, that are geographically distributed and that is where direct sales comes in, when we talk about direct sales is by catalog, Very surely at some point in our lives someone has offered us products that could be clothing, toiletries, food, they give me a magazine, I crave it and I tell them I want this product, and that person is my point of contact with the distributor of the products. products.

In that particular business it has a characteristic, it is super intensive in human talent, I need to have a large number of people for that business to work, that is the particularity of direct sales, therefore I have to prepare so that when I invite new people In order for them to join the catalog sale, I have to transfer my nojau.

Vanessa: Great, this introduction will give us some light on how they do this process. The larger the company, the more valuable the support that Nojau will provide will be.

Daniel: We help companies direct sale to:

Our focus is aimed at people, the majority of people who join are girls, that their salespeople grow, through learning the necessary processes in catalog sales.

If I entered the direct sales business I have a particular purpose, I want to achieve objective A, obtain that new income, then we are interested in being that facilitator, being that bridge for the person who arrives new and who still does not know how it works the direct sales process with the company that joined, we can provide them with the knowledge to bring them closer to those objectives, that is the first element that moves us and for companies there is a KPIs which is very relevant and is called consecutiveness and is measured, let's say I enter a direct sales company as a new salesperson, it normally works in cycles, how I managed to make sales in my first campaign, then how from the company I accompanied that person who He entered the direct sales business so that he can make sales in his second campaign and then how do I accompany him so that he can have sales in his third campaign. It is that KPI of how that person who arrives new through that Onboarding process can make sales and have them be consecutive.

That is the element that we are helping companies so that they can have relevant information through data that allows them to make decisions during that process and that I can identify which people would fall into the category of possible expenses, so that before of them leaving my business because it could be that they didn't understand it.

The Onboarding Process

It starts when we take the KNOW HOW of each company and we carry it on our platform, we have a tool that is a JourneyMap where we identify together with the company each of the contact points, where the company wants the new person to have access to certain information, so here what we were talking about at the beginning materializes. When I want my collaborator to receive this capsule of information, after this he receives other information, which has a connection line between each of the capsules that I need that person to access, then in that way what we do is the KNOW HOW of the company, what we do is accompany the construction of this Journey so that we then translate each of these contact points into relevant information for the new collaborator.

After this Journey is built, defining the type of content I want to share, we carry out the following process: cWe build a thread of conversation.

We enter with the point of contact that we have with iKono services, we start to build that Journey with the client when we have it ready, the technological component comes in and today that execution of the Onboarding process, we are basing it through WhatsApp, What we do is that we translate that Journey into capsules that we disseminate through WhatsApp and together with the company we trace the thread of the conversation, literally we open a conversation from the line defined by the businessman and the information capsules reach me in the periodicity that I determine, which can be weekly, monthly, or daily, and the businessman is the one who defines the periodicity that serves the process we are doing, because this is the accompaniment.

The service allows us to communicate one to many as if it were one to one, it is something very cool, you can link the corporate WhatsApp line and talk to my collaborators.

Messages for each collaborator and at the time they are needed.

There are custom variables in messages: First and last names and zone, area or group.
There are also operation variables: Balances payable, accumulated points and payment date reminder.

To know all the information about the webinar you can access this link to see the full video.

#We invite you to read our blog post «5 types of chatbots for a great customer experience »

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