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With such a competitive market, it has never been more important to improve communication with your customers.

Your company can offer a Customer Service through various channels. However, phone support is one of the most important and customer-oriented channels that needs more attention.

Call support agents are often the most consumer-facing part of the business, and it has never been more important that your call support is up to par.

Although interactions have diversified in recent years, with customers communicating via email, live chat, mail and social media, as well as by phone, a personal, human response remains crucial to success.

We must take into account:

  1. How to effectively equip agents
  2. Key tips to keep in mind during your client calls
  3. How to close conversations and continue interactions

First of all, what is the objective?

Whenever a customer contacts your company, they have some type of problem. It may be something important or it may be a quick question about billing.

Regardless of your reach, you want the caller to leave that conversation feeling like they were heard and understood, every time. That tangible steps have been taken to solve the problem by someone who cares about solving it.

Ideally, the issue will have been resolved in a single call, but if not, they will feel confident that steps will be taken after the call to resolve the issue.

So how can you have the best chance of getting it?

Equip your agents with the right tools

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "By not preparing, you are setting yourself up to fail.«. High-quality interactions are the key to success, and that means giving your agents the right equipment for the job.

  1. Have a good customer database and make the most of it

How many times have you been left on hold while a customer service agent “finds your file”?

Immediate access to relevant and useful information about a caller goes a long way toward making interactions smooth, fast, and ultimately satisfying. In addition to the name and basic contact details, the database should include the client's complete communication history, with all previous entries and notes.

That level of detail will allow agents to get up to speed quickly and get right to the heart of the caller's problem. There is a direct correlation between how quickly a solution is found and the level of customer satisfaction, so it is essential to ensure that your agents have all the necessary resources in a well-organized system.

  1. Check your tool set

With this in mind, it's worth periodically reviewing your resources to see what's working and what can be improved. The ways customers reach your business change all the time, so you need to continue to adapt as well.

Is there a new screen sharing integration that makes it easier to report issues? Or could you create a product diagnostic tool to give your agents a quick and detailed report? By analyzing calling patterns and common solutions, you'll find ways to make troubleshooting smoother and less problematic.

  1. Make it easy for your clients to contact you

This may seem counterintuitive today, with so many large companies trying to hide their customer service number behind layers of automated support. But while automation is worth it, there is no substitute for talking to a person.

If your team engages with customers early, they'll find themselves advising as much as putting out fires, which creates an active relationship with the caller. He'll learn a lot more about your needs and opinions, so make your number accessible and answer every call within three rings.

How to get the call right

The biggest part of customer service is how the conversation with the customer unfolds. If the conversation and resolution that is given to the customer is to the customer's liking, it is a seal of approval of great customer service. Here are some ways to make a customer service call perfect.

  1. Show empathy

This is essential for your agents to address calls in the best way. It's impossible to know what's going on in the caller's day: they may have had a terrible morning or they may be in a hurry. If they are nervous or upset, it is not personal, and it is important to offer them answers and solutions effectively.

The best thing you can do is align yourself with your needs: you are on the same side, working together to solve the problem. By doing this collaboratively and using positive language, you will show that you care about their problem and are working hard to let them get on with their day.

  1. To be polite

Your agents should never let their mood affect service. It is recommended to be polite and use the client's name, with the correct pronunciation. Don't interrupt them, and if you have to ask them to do something, make sure it's a request, not a demand.

  1. Give clear information

If you have to put the person on hold, explain why, how long it is likely to take, and thank them for their patience. Don't be afraid to use short holds to locate information, especially if it helps resolve the problem on the first call.

The same applies to caller transfer. Explain why you are doing it and make sure the new agent is prepared with the customer's name and the reason for their call.

Finally, keep your language direct, professional, concise and clear.

  1. Practice active listening

When we call a helpline, we all want to be understood. To demonstrate this, reflect on their main concern, asking meaningful questions that help you understand their struggle. This shows your genuine interest and commitment. If you need to clarify something, it can be good to explain why you are asking the question.

If you make sure you understand their needs before you start solving the problem, you may even be able to offer a more comprehensive solution than the temporary fix that seems obvious at first.

  1. Be proactive

Most callers want active steps to be taken to resolve their issues. Not only do you have to keep the process going, but also find ways to give them something more. Speed isn't the only measure: an extra tip or a few extra minutes can significantly impact a caller's long-term relationship with your company.

  1. Train the caller

If you get the customer involved in the process, they will probably feel much more satisfied with the interaction. Give them enough information to make informed decisions during the process, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each option. All of this will build trust and make them feel like they are in control.

  1. Dealing with a difficult client

If you find yourself in a difficult situation with a disgruntled, impatient, or demanding person, it is important to remain calm. Apologize, accept responsibility, and keep listening. This way, you will be able to provide them with clear information that can solve their problem.

A call to improve customer service

When it comes to offering customer service, your call center is perhaps the most important channel through which you can delight your customers. Even with the best customer service agents on your side, offering stellar customer service is no easy task.

With agents properly prepared with these customer service tips, you can offer a much richer and more satisfying experience to everyone who interacts with your company.

There are Call Center platforms that will help you facilitate this process, one of them is iKono Call Center, with it you can generate detailed reports and increase the performance of your call center.


iKono Call Center

Communicate with your customers through our powerful iKono Call Center platform.

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