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artículo experiencia al cliente

Chat support platforms have become very popular in recent days due to the ease they provide to customers when communicating with our company, however over time the need to go beyond a simple written communication, which is why the use of tools for sending files, images, voice notes, videos and others is presented as a great opportunity to improve the experience.

Having this possibility represents various benefits among which we find: 

Greater efficiency and time savings: Having the ability to send files or images during a chat conversation gives your agents the ability to quickly detail the problem and find a more efficient solution, without the customer having to provide more information or having to wait for us. explain the problem in detail which can sometimes be annoying for him.

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Agile understanding of the customer problem: When communicating via chat, it is sometimes difficult for our agents to fully understand the problem raised by the client. However, with the ease of providing files, images or videos, you will have a clearer vision of what is proposed.

Most satisfied customers: Improving your customers' experience occurs when agents have all the tools to deliver quick and accurate solutions to their problems or needs.

Using a chat platform that allows files to be sent shows them that we are interested in solving their problems quickly, doing whatever is necessary to help them.

In addition to the above, it shows that as a company we are interested in innovating and advancing in improving the experience we offer every day, making them feel valued and listened to.

In order to get the most out of your chat platforms by sending files, images, voice notes, videos and other files we are going to list some tips:

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  • Having your clients' permission to send and receive files during the conversation is essential as it indicates that you respect their privacy and confidentiality.
  • The files you use for sending or those you receive from your clients must provide clarity to improve understanding of the problems or needs raised. These must be reviewed, taking care of any details provided to us to offer a response in an agile and effective manner.
  • Having the possibility of sending or receiving files is a great advantage, however you must make conscious and responsible use of this since if we saturate our clients it can go from being something positive to something negative.
  • The security It is of vital importance since it helps us take care of the privacy of our clients' information, which is why we must use appropriate tools that allow us to safeguard all data. In addition to this, you must also have the appropriate security protocols in case that the files contain confidential information.

In conclusion, the use of file sending tools, images, voice notes, videos and other files can be a great advantage for companies looking to improve their customers' experience online. 

The success of these tools will be in their responsible and appropriate use by company agents. By structuring the effective use of these tools, you will be able to improve the efficiency of your customer service and guarantee a satisfactory experience for customers.

Fountain: Customers

#We invite you to read our blog post «Tips for working in a contact center»

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