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We know that the Contact Center function is to provide a multichannel external communication service: telephone, fax, e-mail, instant messaging and others, but internal communication?

And the work carried out from the marketing, production or sales area is vital to attract or retain customers, leaving aside aspects such as communication within the company, which can generate rumors that negatively affect the image of the company.


From a theoretical perspective, internal communication is understood as a set of strategies that are aimed at transmitting business information so that managers, leaders and work teams have clarity about the direction of the organization.

Therefore, it is important to have human talent that includes aspects such as the values and objectives of the brand in a communication plan, so that the Contact Center workers will know the importance of their position in the development of the company.

And they will have tools such as start date, important achievements, successful products/services, to contribute to growth from their work.

Likewise, the communication department directs strategies to optimize channels such as the intranet, through which relevant information can be delivered to the work team and collect data that helps improve working conditions.

To give a little more clarity to the importance of communication in a Contact Center, do you remember the exercise of the broken telephone, where a person starts with a phrase and it is distorted at the rate at which it is transmitted?

The same thing happens in an organization where it is not clear what, how and when relevant information should be communicated to employees, which generates rumors that affect credibility, trust, and productivity.

Now, Contact Centers have a peculiarity that few companies have and where communication becomes an excellent ally: human talent.

As for the Internal Communication tasks, a strategy is linked that ends up going hand in hand with the tasks of this department, due to the positive impact on the work team: empowerment.

Basically, the empowerment It is an expression that refers to the power that is given to each of the members of the work team to make decisions, so organized, updated and well expressed information must flow in the work environment.

As in many business strategies, the communications plan is accompanied by indicators to measure its effectiveness towards improvement plans.

Note that working in a Contact Center can become repetitive and square, which can demotivate, so a good communication campaign It can strengthen interpersonal relationships by enhancing creativity and good ideas, leaving aside negative aspects.

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Content Writing by: Isabel Uribe 

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