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Approximately three months ago, daily life in Colombia changed due to a virus that was already registering infections worldwide and that after the first confirmed case in the country, the National Government implemented a biosafety protocol to prevent increase and protect life.

The impact of Covid-19 is evident from the change in people's daily lives, such as having a coffee with a circle of friends, to changing the work modality from in-person to virtual.


In the first instance, this generated a collapse in their operations for some companies, since they were not prepared to face a crisis of this magnitude; other organizations, on the contrary, implemented a plan B to face this type of situation.

But in general terms, companies have been adopting the regulations disclosed by the National Government in response to the information provided by the World Health Organization.

This changing regulations are due to the behavior of the virus and the advances in science in the creation of the vaccine.

Now The challenge is to resume or return to that everyday life. a few months ago, considering that tools like the Internet have become a first-class ally in this time of pandemic and confinement.

That is why it is important to establish some parameters in the Contact Center managing to minimize the impact that this may represent for both operations and the work team.

  • The first thing is establish a work plan focused on leadership and directed at managers, since each work team may feel disoriented due to the situation, so it is essential that the leader in charge be the spokesperson for the new path that they will take towards positive results.
  • Another point to work on is to anticipate the new customer needs that can be analyzed from the history of calls and situations that may have arisen during the quarantine and that must be addressed due to their complexity or monitoring of the situation.
  • Train Call Center agents with respect to the new dynamics of the company with respect to product/service specifications, modifications, new prototypes and other changes that are generated.
  • Redesign workspaces that are under the Biosafety protocols, as well as working hours to avoid being a source of proliferation of the virus.
  • Review messages that are delivered through each of the channels to avoid generating confusion in the client and, on the contrary, maintain quality in care.

Assess with the Contact Center work team the shortcomings that occurred before and during the quarantine to prevent them from occurring in this new stage of return to the office.

These tips will allow the return not to be somewhat traumatic and, on the contrary, to be a way to continue with the work in the Contact Center with the same degree of quality as before this global health crisis occurred.

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Content Writing by: Isabel Uribe 

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